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Introduction To Java Programming Language, What is Java? Why we use Java? Introduction To OOP, Java Programming Language Tutorial Step by Step Part-01


Introduction To Java

What is Java?

Ans: Java is a high-level programming language originally developed by Sun microsystem but currently owned by Oracle.

Why we should learn java / Features of Java?


1. Platform independent (WORA= Write Once Run Anywhere)

2. Object Oriented

3. Support web-based application

4. Robust (Strong Language)

5. Secure

6. multi-threaded

What does platform independent means?


Why C/C++ is not platform independent?

Ans: Because if you write any code or program using the Windows Operating System with the help of C/C++ then it will run only on the windows operating system. It will not run-on Linux Operating System.

And if you write the same program on Linux operating system then it will run only on Linux and not in windows. That’s why C/C++ is not platform-independent.

Why JAVA is platform independent?

Ans: But java is an exception in this case because here you have a layer between java and windows operating system which is called JVM (Java Virtual Machine). Now, whenever you make a java program in this place if you want to run it then you will take the help of JVM to run it. So, whenever you want to run this program in Linux operating system. It will run because you are taking the help of the JVM here.


Whenever we make a java program it has an extension (.java). And when we compile that java program, then the compiler will convert it into a byte code.

And when this byte code is executed (JVM), It can be executed in windows. We can run the same program on Linux with the help of JVM.

And we can run that program in mac os with the help of JVM. That’s why java is called platform independent.

History Of Java.

Why was java actually created?

Ans: When C/C++ were all these programming languages, there was a big problem od C/C++. The problem is that C++ was not user-friendly and not platform-independent which is the main problem.

That’s why if you create a program on the windows operating system, you cannot run it on Linux or Mac OS. For which Sun Micro System took up a project called green project.

Their aim was to create a platform of independent language. In 1990 there were many people join in this plan, and one of them who contributed the most his name is James Gosling. For that reason, he is also called the father of java.

First of all, its name was OCK programming language. Then its name was changed to java programming language. And java was publicly released in 1995.

Required Software:

1. JDK (Java Development Kit)

The java development kit (JDK) is a software development environment used for developing java applications and applets. It includes the java Runtime Environment (JRE), an interpreter/loader (java), a compiler (javac), an archiver (jar), a documentation generation (Javadoc), and other tools needed in java development.

2. IDE (Netbeans/Eclipse/JDeveloper)

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